Dad’s Shawl

Ocean State of Mind Shawl designed by Mijo Crochet.

A confluence of thoughts led to my Dad’s shawl. While making my Mom’s shawl, I also thought about my Dad and the fact that he often sits around the house with blankets around his shoulders. “A shawl, though unconventional for a man, is better designed for this purpose,” I thought. Then Scheepjes released their luxurious Whirligig yarn, and I thought, “this cozy, beautiful, natural-fiber yarn would be perfect for my Dad.” And I came across Mijo Crochet‘s Ocean State of Mind shawl pattern which is not masculine per se, but is a beautiful texture without frills and I thought, “this would be lovely for a man and perfect for Whirligig.” My pre-order of Whirligig arrived just before my departure for my vacation to Hawaii, so I had a perfect environment to work up this beautiful pattern in colors that matched my island surroundings.

Some requisite Hawaii (Big Island and Maui) pictures:

Two qualities that I love about my Dad are his wisdom – I seek his opinion on things that truly matter – and thoughtful generosity – just recently, he and my mom gave my husband and me their brand new car to take across the country for five months. Dad is also supportive without being prying – he was my confidant during job searches without asking too many questions to stress me out. He has a quiet, intelligent sense of humor, and is a great storyteller and writer – he used to send me stories at summer camp in lieu of traditional letters and has a repertoire of hilarious tales of growing up in Brooklyn. And he is open to spending time with his daughter no matter how wacky the activity, even CrossFit!

I should also note that my Dad’s mother, Nanny Lina, taught me to crochet. I don’t even remember when I learned because visits to my Grandparents always involved pulling out some yarn from her current project and playing with it. Her signature stitch was the chevron, and she claims to have invented a diamond strip pattern. I have a Sophie’s Universe in progress that I wish I could gift to her because I think she would love it.

The Making of

Hook: 5.0mm (H)

Final size: long edge = 77.25 inches; height = 32.5 inches (after blocking)

Yarn: 1 Scheepjes Whirligig in 213 Sapphire to Teal, used from the inside out (no problems pulling from the center) + 2 Scheepjes Whirligigette in 250 Sapphire

Repeats: 11 total. With 9 repeats, I had not yet reached the Sapphire in the Whirligig, but did not have enough yarn to complete the 10th repeat. I bought a Whirligigette, and after completing the 10th repeat, I thought I could do one more repeat. I ran out halfway through the pattern repeat, and did not want to frog, so bought another Whirligigette. The sapphire might look more balanced with only 10 repeats, but the larger size will be nice for by Dad. The size of 10 repeats would be approximately 71.5 inches on the long edge and 28.5 inches height.

Johanna Lindahl of Mijo Crochet is a master designer and her shawls are all gorgeous! I cannot wait to make all of them (and a Tropitile blanket is on my list, too). Here’s a sneak peak of her Dragon Belly pattern in Scheepjes Whirl 774 Salted Caramel Matcha.

Dragon Belly in progress.
Dragon Belly in progress.

Her Ocean State of Mind Shawl is a straightforward pattern that is easy to learn and relaxing to work on. The pattern and yarn are a perfect marriage. I’ll be honest, although I prefer natural fibers and adore alpaca, I am picky when it comes to wool because I often find it itchy. Whiligig is soft, not itchy, and wonderfully squishy with the pattern’s texture. The color and transitions, showcased by the pattern, are stunning! The shawl was easy to work up with the DK-weight yarn and a 5.omm hook. Did I mention I made the bulk of this shawl sitting with an ocean view in Hawaii?

It was a perfect travel project. Needless to say I loved every minute of making this shawl, well except maybe running out of yarn mid-repeat, but that just meant more enjoyment when another Whirligigette arrived.

Dad is coming to visit this weekend and I can’t wait to give him his shawl.

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